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1 July 2021: We are pleased to announce that EchoLink for Windows version 2.3 is now available. Please see the Download page to download. The changelog is shown below.
Latest Features
Current Version: 2.3.121
2.3.121 (July 1, 2021)
- Adds support for the DMK Engineering USB Radio Interface (URI) as an optional PC-to-radio interface for Sysop mode. (This is the same device commonly used for Asterisk/app_rpt installations.)
Adds support for a secondary audio input and/or output device to be designated. This can be handy in Sysop mode as a simple way to monitor the local link, if a second sound device is installed,
or to be able to join a QSO using a local microphone and speakers.
- Adds support for "confidence signal", for use on a simplex link, to verify to a local RF user that the last transmission was received by the link.
- Enhances the Web remote-control feature for more reliable operation with different browser types, and adds support for Call CQ to be activated remotely.
WAV files for custom signals, voice IDs, welcome messages, and audio playbacks can now be in any integral linear PCM format, mono or stereo, 8, 16, 24, or 32-bit, at any sample rate.
(Previously this was limited to 8000 Hz mono.)
- Adds the ability to automatically save and restore volume-control settings (in Sysop mode).
- Adds an Audio page to the initial setup and Link Setup wizards.
- Fixes an issue that could cause Explorer View to update incorrectly when displaying contents of a sub-folder under Favorites.
- Fixes an Installer issue that was causing a shortcut to be installed on the Desktop that did not directly launch the application.
- Fixes a potential race condition that could cause a crash in Sysop mode when using the subaudible tone option.
- Tested for compatibility with Windows 11.
2.2.115 (May 20, 2021)
- Improved handling of window sizing and text scaling on high-resolution monitors
- Updated icon set for application, toolbar, and Explorer views, including high-resolution icons for high-DPI monitors
- Improved handling of audio device assignments; application detects if previously-configured devices are no longer available (not plugged in) and reverts to default audio devices with a warning
- Support for more varieties of MP3 audio files for playback, with improved sound quality
- When selecting a COM port in Sysop mode, labeling each port with its COM port number as well as the device name
- Fixes an issue that could cause a crash when using the Subaudible Tone option for TX Ctrl in Sysop mode
2.1.109 (March 18, 2021)
- Fixes an issue that could prevent stations calling CQ from being able to connect to each other.
2.1.108 (March 16, 2021)
- Updated main window look, with dockable menu bar and selectable visual styles
- New "Call CQ" feature (also to be rolled out on Mobile app editions), including DTMF code to activate
- Automatic Proxy selection option
Migrated to 16-bit audio, to match all modern sound cards.
This is a significant change to the audio chain that should result in noticeably better SNR and audio quality.
- Better sizing/rendering on Windows "large font" and/or high DPI settings
- Fixed bug with mislabeled audio devices on Audio tab
- Added Recent QSOs folder to Explorer View
- Explorer View is now the default
- Added Search Results folder for a "find all" Search function
- Improved inbound/outbound Firewall Tests
- Clearer labeling of available COM ports in drop-downs for Sysop configuration
- Added SignaLink (VOX) as a third interface option in Setup Wizards
- Option to enable a continous subaudible tone to keep VOX-driven devices keyed consistently throughout each transmission.
- Smarter handling of connection message protocol to improve connect reliability after IP change
- Removed support for, and mentions of, dial-up networking
- Option to show timestamps for each message in text-chat window
- Fix for not muting conference audio during playing of Welcome message to newly-connected peer.
- Removed "Auto-select mic input" PTT option. (This was only available on Windows XP and below.)
- Revised Help file.
- Added "Reset to Defaults" button on Setup->Timings tab; adjusted numerical validation ranges.
- Extended maximum length of Name field to 18 characters.
2.0.908 (May 22, 2007)
- Fixed problems with displaying Asian characters in Chat window and Station List.
- Fixed intermittent page-refresh problem with Web remote control feature (in Sysop mode).
Upgrade Notes
If you are upgrading from an earlier release of EchoLink, please note
the following:
EchoLink 2.1 and above runs on Windows Vista and above (for example, Windows 7 and Windows 10).
Windows XP, and editions prior to XP, are no longer supported, nor recommended.
Please use the prior version if you are running a very old Windows edition.
If you are upgrading from 2.0, please note that any Countries you may have selected in the Security tab
(under Preferences) will not be carried over, and must be re-configured.
It is not possible to downgrade to an earlier version using the Installer. For example, if you've upgraded to 2.1
and wish to revert to 2.0, you must un-install 2.1 first. (Your configuration settings will
not be retained and will need to be re-entered.)
If you can see the list of stations, but
are having difficulty connecting to other stations on EchoLink, please read the
section Firewall Solutions.
Stations which have just come online, or
have just changed status, are highlighted in yellow in Index View.
Known Bugs
- Version 2.3.121 fixes all previously-known bugs.