
SetupConfig Class


ApplyApply any changes to the properties of this object. If necessary, the EchoLink software is re-set.

AlarmListRead-write propertyList of callsigns on which to sound an alarm
AudioForceFullDuplexRead-write propertyOpen the sound card for play and record simultaneously
AudioHighPassFilterRead-write propertyCut outgoing audio below 300 Hz
AudioInputDeviceRead-write propertySound card for outgoing audio
AudioNetworkBuffersRead-write propertyNumber of buffers to use for incoming packets
AudioOutputDeviceRead-write propertySound card for incoming audio
AudioPCBuffersRead-write propertyNumber of buffers to use for playback
AudioRecordingModeRead-write propertyMode in which to record incoming audio
AudioSampleRateCompensateRead-write propertyAdd or delete packets to compensate for sample-rate differences
AutoUpdateRead-write propertyUpdate the Station List automatically
CallsignRead-write propertyCallsign under which EchoLink is operating
DialupRead-write propertyDial the Internet connection at startup
DialupAutoDisconnectRead-write propertyDisconnect the dial-up connection on exit
DialupPhonebookEntryRead-write propertyName of the phonebook entry to autodial
DoublingAlertRead-write propertyDisplay an alert message when doubling
EmailRead-write propertyOperator's e-mail address
FavoritesListRead-write propertyList of callsigns in Favorites List
LocationRead-write propertyStation location or description
LocationBusyRead-write propertyLocation or description to show when busy
LocationFreeRead-write propertyLocation or description to show when NOT busy
MaxPeersRead-write propertyMaximum number of stations which can connect at the same time
ModeRead-write propertyOperating mode
NameRead-write propertyOperator's first name
PasswordRead-write propertyLogin password
ReceiveHangTimeRead-write propertyTime to remain in receive mode (ms) after last packet
SecurityAllowMultiConferencingRead-write propertyAllow this conference to connect with another conference
SecurityCallsignListRead-write propertyList of callsigns to accept or deny
SecurityCallsignsDenyRead-write propertyTrue to deny access to the listed callsigns, False to exclusively allow them
SecurityConferencesRead-write propertyAllow connections with conferences
SecurityDynamicConferenceDetectRead-write propertyDisconnect a station if it becomes a conference
SecurityInboundRead-write propertyApply security settings to inbound connect attempts
SecurityLinksRead-write propertyAllow connections with -L stations
SecurityOutboundRead-write propertyApply security settings to outbound connect attempts
SecurityRepeatersRead-write propertyAllow connections with -R stations
SecurityUsersRead-write propertyAllow connections with single-user stations
ServerRead-write propertyHostname of addressing server (1 to 5)
ServerRetryTimeoutRead-write propertyTime (secs) between login attempts
ShowConferenceStatusRead-write propertyDisplay the list of conferencees to all conferencees
ShowConnectedConferenceRead-write propertyShowConnectedConference
SignalAlarmRead-write propertyName of WAV file to play when an alarm is sounded
SignalConnectedRead-write propertyName of WAV file to play when a connection begins
SignalDisconnectedRead-write propertyName of WAV file to play when a connection ends
SignalOverRead-write propertyName of WAV file to play when transmission ends
SignalTextMessageRead-write propertyName of WAV file to play when Chat text is received
StationInformationFileRead-write propertyName of text file to display to connectees
TimeoutConnectAttemptRead-write propertyTime to wait (secs) when trying to connect
TimeoutInactivityRead-write propertyTime to wait (secs) before disconnecting a dead connection
TimeoutReceiveLimitRead-write propertyMaximum duration (secs) for an inbound transmission
TimeoutTransmitLimitRead-write propertyMaximum duration (secs) for an outbound transmission
UpdateInQSORead-write propertyUpdate the Station List automatically during a QSO
UpdateLocationWithConfNameRead-write propertyInclude name of connected conference in Location comment